In the first half of 2014, Liangjiang Guarantee Company made loans to 102 projects totaling 1.3 billion yuan ($0.2 billion) in a bid to boost the development of small and medium enterprises.
The "Liangjiang Forum" hosted a legal knowledge lecture.
SGMW base in Chongqing is expected to begin operation.
An ceremony marked the founding of the International Medium and Small Enterprises Exhibition and Trade Center on July 18.
Chongqing become host of the 25th International Porcine Veterinary Society Congress.
Chongqing and Chengdu customs signed a cooperation contract on July 14.
Ling Yueming took a look at the newly built Liangjiang market and quality supervision bureau
Chongqing city’s first batch of 18 community bank branches will open for business.
In the first four months of 2014, Liangjiang has performed brilliantly in large-scale industries.
A Japanese auxiliary artificial heart project was established.