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Tue Mar 18, 2025

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Liangjiang New Area English website gains award


Chongqing Liangjiang New Area English website stood out from more than 100,000 government affairs websites in China and won the award of "2014 Most Internationalized Chinese Government Website”.

As an important inland investment destination for domestic and foreign investors, Liangjiang New Area Administrative Committee attached great importance to the international communication, especially the English website construction. The new version of Liangjiang New Area English website went online in April 2014.

It contains "Investing", "Living", "News", "Success Stories", "Events", "Video" and other columns, and strives to achieve the goal of multimedia coverage and global communication. Since April 2014, more than 560 original news and 360 photos have been published on the website which introduced the investment opportunities and the development trends of Liangjiang New Area from different angles.

In addition, the website traffic increased significantly throughout the year, and the top ten visiting countries were China, the United States, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Britain, France, Japan, Sweden, and Australia. In addition, the news have been reprinted more than 3510 times on more than 400 English-language media or websites including Reuters, Daily Herald, New York Journal of Commerce, Boston Business Journal, and Chicago Daily News.

Reporters from international media including Financial Times, Japan's NHK, Italian television, Korea Dong-A Ilbo, Yonhap, Daily News, Financial News, hundreds of South Korean are attracted to visit Liangjiang to carry out in-depth interviews.

In addition to the English website, the new version of Liangjiang New Area official website went online at the beginning of 2015, which integrated PC version, Weibo, Wechat, APP,and eNewsletters to follow the trend of mobile internet and cloud-government.


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